How eye-catching external signage can benefit your business

According to FedEx More than two-thirds (68%) of consumers believe a store’s signage is reflective of the quality of its products or services.

If your physical location is visible to stakeholders then it’s wise to invest in your external signage. Even more so, if you regularly attract consumers through foot traffic.

Having distinctive external signage sets your business apart from others. A unique and memorable sign helps customers remember your business when making purchasing decisions.

External signage could be a stand-alone sign, pavement swing sign, billboard or hoarding. No matter the type of exterior signage you choose, it’s important to make your presence known.

The benefits of external signage include:

  • Increased Visibility

Well-designed external signage can significantly increase the visibility of your business. It acts as a 24/7 advertisement, ensuring that your business is noticed by potential customers passing by.

  • Brand Awareness

External signage is an essential component of your brand identity. Consistent and well-designed signage helps build brand recognition and reinforces your brand image in the minds of customers.

  • Attracts Foot Traffic

Eye-catching and informative signage can attract foot traffic to your business. A clear and compelling sign can entice people to enter your store or establishment, even if they were not initially planning to do so.

  • Brand Image

High-quality and well-maintained signage contributes to a professional and trustworthy image. It instils confidence in customers and communicates that your business is established and takes pride in its appearance.

  • Cost-Effective Advertising

Compared to other forms of advertising, external signage is a cost-effective way to promote your business. Once installed, the ongoing cost is minimal, making it a long-term and sustainable investment.

  • Wayfinding and Information

External signage helps guide customers to your location and provides essential information such as hours of operation, contact details, and any special promotions. This improves the overall customer experience.

  • Adaptability

Signage can be easily updated or replaced to reflect changes in your business, such as rebranding, promotions, or new products and services.

Get started with RMC Print

We have experience in producing various types of signage, from shop front displays to large-scale outdoor displays.

Please contact us if you are a signage company looking for trade print. We’ll be glad to have a no-obligation chat about your print requirements.
